Okay, it was a normal Wednesday evening. I had just picked up Quinn from preschool and I’m already enjoying the heck out of my conversation with him. We’re discussing his day at school and what he learned that day. We’re sitting in the drive-thru line at Carl’s Jr. and Quinn says, “Mom, can you make a “G” with your head?” Come again? I said, "Do you mean this"? There I sit (usually quite composed) and I stick my neck out and create the shape of the letter "G" with my head using the very top of my crown as if it's the pointer. I didn’t find it to be an easy task but quite comical! He answered ever so serious, “Yes, Mom, like this.” He proceeds to draw a “G” with his head. It's amazing the things you find yourself doing when you become a parent. All I could do was smile really big. This moment is worth being a parent for, folks.