Welcome to the family blog. I am Songbird and this blog will be primarily dedicated to keeping you all updated on the family happenings. I've been pretty bad about staying in touch with family and friends that I don't see or talk to often enough because we live far away from each other or just because we are all too horribly, horribly busy and time flies faster and faster every year. Isn't that just the worst cliche but it's true. So it may be a three sentence anecdote about something funny Q said or it could be a detailed account of a family outing completely with comedic delivery and pictures. I'm not sure what you're going to get but you're all copied on this because you mean a great deal to us and we thought you might be interested.
Talk to you soon.
Gee am I the first Blogger on this Songbird and Company blog?
"I like playing Frogger so I guess I will be a Blogger". Tess you can use that line in your next song!
Well I can't wait to see how this blog develops. If it's anything like the Gilmers, we are in for an exciting ride!
Thanks Tess!
Yelojersy (michael f)
Hey Michael! Thanks for the comment. It will be interesting. Lol...I already have a little Quinn anecdote to post soon. :) Tune in...
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